The Top Three RV Travel Tips of All Time
People have been living, working and travelling in RVs for decades now and so a body of useful information with regards to travelling in RVs has been accumulated over this time. The usefulness of RV travel tips obviously depends on your RV travel experience – or lack thereof, but for what they are worth, here are my all time top three RV travel tips.1) Buy that RV and get on the road. Yes I know the economy is in tatters and times are tough but there are several great reasons why now is the best time to buy an RV. For one, prices are rock bottom and you can pick up a real bargain priced RV. Secondly, you wont find a much cheaper holiday than packing the family into the RV and heading for the hills. Thirdly, its about time that families relearned the art of working together for the common good and that family fun doesn’t have to involve shopping malls, electronic gadgets or copious amounts of money.2) Keep a notebook on your travels in your RV – you never know when you’ll come across a really useful tidbit of information that you may want to remember for future reference.3) Don’t reinvent the wheel – or in our case, RV travel tips. Hundreds of thousands of people have been there and done it before you and there is lots of information already documented and available for your convenience. From packing lists to RV cookbooks and deep cycle battery care, from LP gas systems to towing a vehicle behind your RV, fellow RVers have taken the time and trouble to put useful information together that will allow you to learn from their experiences and mistakes.There is a vast chunk of the country out there waiting to be explored and appreciated. Make the most of it and use the wealth of knowledge acquired by other RV owners to make your travels an enjoyable and hassle free experience.